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扎根上海⑤:“进口非特殊用途化妆品变得异常 快捷”









发表于 2024-3-1 13:14:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
看看新闻Knews记者 陈璇 黄苑卿
2020-06-19 09:04
2019年,中国进口货物14.31万亿元,其中化妆品占进口货物总额的第一。2017年,上海市浦东新区试点实施进口非特殊用途化妆品立案 治理 。改革之后,首次进口非特殊化妆品解决 时间从两个月缩短到五天。在试点的这一年中,进口化妆品总量达到1,850吨。2018年,这一办法 也推广到了全国其他十个自贸区。最终,该计划 在全国范围内得以实施。2003年资生堂在浦东成立了中国投资有限公司,也是上海自贸区成长 的重要推动者。
China imported 14.31trillion yuan worth of goods in 2019. Cosmetics ranked first in sales volume. A trial for new regulations was established in the Pudong Free Trade Zone for new Imported Non-Special-Purpose Cosmetics in March of 2017. A new simplified process shortened application time from 2 months to 5 days, more than 1,850 tons Non-Special-Use Cosmetics were imported into Pudong during the first year of the new regulations. Another 10 Free Trade Zones adopted these regulations in 2018, which is finally expanding to the rest of China. Shiseido established its China branch in Pudong in 2003, they were an important contributor to the development on the Free Trade Zone in Shanghai.
“进口非特殊用途化妆品变得异常 快捷。在以前,这是一个挺年夜 的问题。然则 现在,比如这些商品,进口流程比之前缩短了年夜 致两个月的时间。得益于这个制度,目前我们已经立案 了近一千种商品。”
“Importing Non-Special-Use cosmetics to China is very easy, whereas previously it was a huge problem. Currently, for these products, this new system has cut the import time down by 2 months. Thanks to this regulation, we have already registered nearly 1,000 products so far.”
(看看新闻Knews记者:陈璇 黄苑卿 编辑:Stephen Rancourt 实习生:张泓 任天昂)
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