货拉客淘宝货源 发表于 2024-3-1 12:48:44

「今日英语短文」Young People Buy Clothes Online - 年轻人网购服装

今日英语短文 - Young People Buy Clothes Online。短文难度分为两个品级 ,坚持阅读,有助于英文水平的提升。
Level 1:
Depop is a shopping app. It is very popular among young people. They buy and sell clothes on Depop. Young people care about the planet. They buy used clothes and accessories.
Moira Campos is 20 years old. She sells clothes on Depop. It is her job.
Moira is an influencer. 40,000 people follow her. Moira´s elder brother helps her with her business.
People can make a lot of money on Depop. They buy very cheap clothes. Then they sell them for a lot more.
popular - 流行的
accessory - 配件
influencer - 有影响力者
cheap - 廉价 的

Depop 是一款购物软件,在年轻群体中异常 流行,年轻人在 Depop 上购买和售卖服装。年轻人关怀 我们的星球,他们购买二手的服装和配件。
20岁的 Moira Campos,在 Depop 上售卖服装,这是她的工作。
Moira 是一位有影响力者,有40,000人存眷 她。Moira 的哥哥在事业上赐与 她赞助 。
人们可以在 Depop 上赚钱。他们购买异常 廉价 的服装,然后再以凌驾 许多的价格售卖出去。

以下为进阶版,难度稍年夜 一些,可依据 能力自行阅读。
Level 2:
Depop is a shopping app which young people and influencers use to buy and sell used clothes.
More than 30 million people from 150 countries use the app, and some experts believe that Depop will have a big impact on global companies which sell clothes.
One of the people who sells clothes on Depop is 20-year-old Moira Campos. She has about 40,000 followers and selling clothes online is her job. Moira and her brother buy used clothes, take photos of them, and then sell them. They make about 5,000 dollars a month by selling clothes online.
Young people like sustainable shopping because it is better for the planet. Yet some people argue that money could become more important than the environment.

语言能力的提升需要积累,英语亦是如此,坚持很重要。量变到质变的进程 虽然 辛苦,结果却是甘甜的。
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